Spring Boot Actuator: An Overview of Production-Ready Features for Monitoring and Managing Your Spring Application

If you’re developing a Spring-based application, you probably know how important it is to ensure its health and readiness for production. Monitoring and managing your application can be challenging, especially when you have to do it manually. Fortunately, Spring Boot Actuator comes to the rescue. In this article, we’ll explore Spring Boot Actuator, its features, and how it can help you manage your Spring-based application.

What is Spring Boot Actuator?

Spring Boot Actuator is a sub-project of Spring Boot that provides production-ready features for monitoring and managing your Spring application. With Spring Boot Actuator, you can easily add operational features to your application, such as health checks, metrics, and audit trails. These features allow you to monitor your application’s health, diagnose problems, and analyze its performance.

Spring Boot Actuator exposes its features through HTTP endpoints, which you can access with a web browser, cURL, or any other HTTP client. By default, Spring Boot Actuator provides several endpoints, including /health, /info, /metrics, /trace, /dump and /env.

Features of Spring Boot Actuator

Spring Boot Actuator provides several features that can help you manage your application. Some of these features include:

  1. Health Checks: Spring Boot Actuator provides a /health endpoint that checks the health of your application. You can use this endpoint to determine whether your application is up and running correctly.
  2. Metrics: Spring Boot Actuator provides a /metrics endpoint that exposes metrics about your application, such as the number of requests processed, the response time, and the memory usage. You can use these metrics to monitor your application’s performance and diagnose problems.
  3. Auditing: Spring Boot Actuator provides a /trace endpoint that allows you to trace HTTP requests and responses. You can use this endpoint to analyze your application’s behavior and diagnose problems.
  4. Environment: Spring Boot Actuator provides an /env endpoint that exposes the environment variables of your application. You can use this endpoint to verify the configuration of your application.
  5. Configuration: Spring Boot Actuator provides a /configprops endpoint that exposes the configuration properties of your application. You can use this endpoint to verify the configuration of your application.
  6. Shutdown: Spring Boot Actuator provides a /shutdown endpoint that allows you to gracefully shut down your application. You can use this endpoint to stop your application without losing any data.

How to Use Spring Boot Actuator

Using Spring Boot Actuator is straightforward. To add Spring Boot Actuator to your application, you need to add the following dependency to your build file:

After adding the dependency, Spring Boot Actuator will automatically expose its endpoints. You can access these endpoints by appending their names to your application’s URL. For example, to access the /health endpoint, you can use the following URL:


Spring Boot Actuator provides production-ready features for monitoring and managing your Spring application. With its features, you can easily monitor your application’s health, diagnose problems, and analyze its performance. Spring Boot Actuator is easy to use and can be added to your application with a single dependency. If you’re developing a Spring-based application, consider using Spring Boot Actuator to make your life easier.

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