Deploying Spring Microservice using Helm Charts

In this article, I will walk you through the process of deploying a Spring microservice on Kubernetes using Helm charts!

Here’s a step-by-step tutorial:


  • A running Kubernetes cluster.
  • Helm CLI installed on your local machine.
  • A Spring Boot microservice with a Dockerfile.

Step 1: Create a Helm Chart for your Spring microservice

  1. Create a new directory for your Helm chart:

2. Change into the directory and create a Chart.yaml file to define your chart:

In the Chart.yaml file, add the following lines to define your chart:

3. Create a values.yaml file to define the values that your chart will use. This file is where you will specify things like the Docker image name and version, the number of replicas, and any environment variables:

4. Create a templates directory to store the Kubernetes manifests that will be generated by Helm:

Step 2: Add Kubernetes manifests to your Helm Chart

  1. Create a deployment.yaml file in the templates directory to define your Kubernetes Deployment:

In the deployment.yaml file, add the following lines to define your Deployment:

This Deployment will create a single Pod running your Spring microservice.

2. Create a service.yaml file in the templates directory to define your Kubernetes Service:

In the service.yaml file, add the following lines to define your Service:

This Service will expose your Spring microservice on port 80.

Step 3: Package and Deploy your Helm Chart

  1. Package your Helm chart into a .tgz file:

This will create a file called my-microservice-0.1.0.tgz.

2. Deploy your Helm chart to your Kubernetes cluster:

3. Check the status of your deployment:

This should show you the Pod running your Spring microservice.

4. Check the status of your Service:

This should show you the Service exposing your Spring microservice on port 80.

5. Access your microservice:

This will forward traffic from your local port 8080 to the Service running on port 80.You can now access your Spring microservice by visiting http://localhost:8080.

Step 4: Update your Helm Chart

  1. Update the values.yaml file with any changes you want to make.
  2. Upgrade your Helm chart:

This will update your Deployment and Service with the new values.

3. Check the status of your deployment and Service again to make sure the changes were applied:

Congratulations, you have successfully deployed a Spring microservice on Kubernetes using Helm charts!

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